What is an embedded librarian?
Embedded librarianship is when a librarian and/or library resources and services are integrated directly into your course. This provides a more thorough alternative than the traditional one-shot lectures that librarians provide about using the library and its databases.
Students will then be able to message the librarian directly from Canvas! A librarian can also drop research modules directly into your course if requested.
Please email Leslie Rewis lrewis@cacc.edu with your Course Number and Section Number if you would like an embedded librarian in your class.
Email lrewis@cacc.edu with your request for a librarian to visit.
Please include:
The Greater Western Library Alliance completed an incredibly large study of "about 42,624 students enrolled in 1,725 courses was collected from twelve (12) participating universities for the academic year 2014-2015." What they found strongly supports including library information literacy instruction in your classes!
They found that:
"Student retention rates are higher for those students whose courses include an information literacy instruction component."
"On average, First-Year GPA for students whose courses included information literacy instruction was higher than the GPA of students whose courses did not."
"Students exposed to library instruction interactions successfully completed 1.8 more credit hours per year than their counterparts who did not participate in courses containing information literacy instruction."
Library instruction is very valuable for your students!
All research lesson plans on based on the following framework provided by the American College and Research Library Association.
Authority Is Constructed and Contextual
Information resources reflect their creators’ expertise and credibility, and are evaluated based on the information need and the context in which the information will be used. Authority is constructed in that various communities may recognize different types of authority. It is contextual in that the information need may help to determine the level of authority required.
This information is abbreviated from:
"Framework for Information Literacy for Higher Education", American Library Association, February 9, 2015
https://www.ala.org/acrl/standards/ilframework (Accessed June 4, 2024)
Document ID: 890cccdc-cd7e-4973-981f-92baea71d2eb